

15 非利士人與以色列人打仗;大衛帶領僕人下去,與非利士人接戰,大衛就疲乏了。16 偉人的一個兒子以實‧比諾要殺大衛;他的銅槍重三百舍客勒,又佩著新刀。17 但洗魯雅的兒子亞比篩幫助大衛,攻打非利士人,將他殺死。當日,跟隨大衛的人向大衛起誓說:「以後你不可再與我們一同出戰,恐怕熄滅以色列的燈。」18 後來,以色列人在歌伯與非利士人打仗,戶沙人西比該殺了偉人的一個兒子撒弗。19 又在歌伯與非利士人打仗,伯利恆人雅雷俄珥金的兒子伊勒哈難殺了迦特人歌利亞。這人的槍桿粗如織布的機軸。20 又在迦特打仗,那裏有一個身量高大的人,手腳都是六指,共有二十四個指頭;他也是偉人的兒子。21 這人向以色列人罵陣,大衛的哥哥示米亞的兒子約拿單就殺了他。22 這四個人是迦特偉人的兒子,都死在大衛和他僕人的手下。(撒母耳記下廿一15-22)

1 當耶和華救大衛脫離一切仇敵和掃羅之手的日子,他向耶和華念這詩,2 說:耶和華是我的巖石,我的山寨,我的救主,3 我的上帝,我的磐石,我所投靠的。祂是我的盾牌,是拯救我的角,是我的高臺,是我的避難所。我的救主啊,祢是救我脫離強暴的。4 我要求告當讚美的耶和華,這樣,我必從仇敵手中被救出來。(撒母耳記下廿二1-4)

15 Once again there was a battle between the Philistines and Israel. David went down with his men to fight against the Philistines, and he became exhausted. 16 And Ishbi-Benob, one of the descendants of Rapha, whose bronze spearhead weighed three hundred shekels and who was armed with a new sword, said he would kill David. 17 But Abishai son of Zeruiah came to David’s rescue; he struck the Philistine down and killed him. Then David’s men swore to him, saying, “Never again will you go out with us to battle, so that the lamp of Israel will not be extinguished.” 18 In the course of time, there was another battle with the Philistines, at Gob. At that time Sibbekai the Hushathite killed Saph, one of the descendants of Rapha. 19 In another battle with the Philistines at Gob, Elhanan son of Jair the Bethlehemite killed the brother of Goliath the Gittite, who had a spear with a shaft like a weaver’s rod. 20 In still another battle, which took place at Gath, there was a huge man with six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot—twenty-four in all. He also was descended from Rapha. 21 When he taunted Israel, Jonathan son of Shimeah, David’s brother, killed him. 22 These four were descendants of Rapha in Gath, and they fell at the hands of David and his men. (2 Samuel 21:15-22)

1 David sang to the Lord the words of this song when the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies and from the hand of Saul. 2 He said: “The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; 3 my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my refuge and my savior— from violent people you save me. 4“I called to the Lord, who is worthy of praise, and have been saved from my enemies. (2 Samuel 22:1-4)


還記得,大衛最令人嘖嘖稱奇的事,就是以小石戰勝巨人歌利亞。(參撒母耳記上十七) 然而,到了《撒母耳記下廿一》大衛再次面對非利士巨人時,他已經不復當年勇。聖經更形容他在戰爭中感到疲乏,幸好有身旁的勇士出手相助,否則後果堪虞。及後,跟隨大衛的人更要求大衛:不可再出戰了。這樣的記載提醒我們人的限制,就算是多厲害的人物,也有衰殘的一天。然而,人很多時卻妄想要永遠活著,就像秦始皇一樣,是多麼可笑及可悲的事情呢!

到了 《撒母耳記下廿二》,大衛作詩歌頌上帝,內容起首提到:「耶和華是我的巖石,我的山寨,我的救主。」他很清楚知道耶和華是他永遠的救主,無論是年少時的帶領及年老時的保守,上帝是永遠不變的。軟弱的人竟可得到永恆主的眷顧保守,這是何等大的福氣呢!一句經典廣告對白「不在乎天長地久,只在乎曾經擁有」提醒我們,與其追求不可能的永恆,例不如好好珍惜眼前所有。 大衛並不能活到永遠,但他卻在有限的生命裏抓緊了永恆的主。





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