《剎那間的光輝不代表永恆》Day 02

5 非利士人集合,要與以色列人作戰。他們有戰車三萬輛,騎兵六千,士兵像海邊的沙那樣多。他們上來,在伯‧亞文東邊的密抹安營。6 以色列人見自己危急,軍隊被圍攻,百姓就藏在山洞、叢林、巖隙、地窖和深坑中。7 有些希伯來人過了約旦河,逃到迦得和基列地。掃羅還在吉甲,所有的人都戰戰兢兢地跟隨他。8 掃羅照著撒母耳所定的日期等了七日。但是,撒母耳還沒有來到吉甲,百姓就離開掃羅散去了。9 於是掃羅說:「把燔祭和平安祭帶到我這裏來。」掃羅就獻上燔祭。10 他剛獻完燔祭,看哪,撒母耳就到了。掃羅出去迎接他,向他問安。11 撒母耳說:「你做了甚麼事啊?」掃羅說:「因為我見百姓離開我散去,你又不照所定的日期來到,而且非利士人已在密抹集合;12 我說:『現在非利士人已經下到吉甲來攻擊我,可是我還沒有向耶和華禱告。』所以我就勉強獻上燔祭。」13 撒母耳對掃羅說:「你做了糊塗事了,沒有遵守耶和華-你神吩咐你的命令。不然,耶和華會在以色列中堅立你的國度,直到永遠。14 現在你的國度必不長久。耶和華已經尋著一個合他心意的人,立他作百姓的君王,因為你沒有遵守耶和華所吩咐你的。」15撒母耳就起來,從吉甲上到便雅憫的基比亞。(撒母耳記上十三5-15.和修)
5 The Philistines assembled to fight Israel, with three thousand chariots, six thousand charioteers, and soldiers as numerous as the sand on the seashore. They went up and camped at Mikmash, east of Beth Aven. 6 When the Israelites saw that their situation was critical and that their army was hard pressed, they hid in caves and thickets, among the rocks, and in pits and cisterns. 7 Some Hebrews even crossed the Jordan to the land of Gad and Gilead. Saul remained at Gilgal, and all the troops with him were quaking with fear. 8 He waited seven days, the time set by Samuel; but Samuel did not come to Gilgal, and Saul’s men began to scatter. 9 So he said, “Bring me the burnt offering and the fellowship offerings.” And Saul offered up the burnt offering. 10 Just as he finished making the offering, Samuel arrived, and Saul went out to greet him. 11 “What have you done?” asked Samuel. Saul replied, “When I saw that the men were scattering, and that you did not come at the set time, and that the Philistines were assembling at Mikmash, 12 I thought, ‘Now the Philistines will come down against me at Gilgal, and I have not sought the Lord’s favor.’ So I felt compelled to offer the burnt offering.” 13 “You have done a foolish thing,” Samuel said. “You have not kept the command the Lord your God gave you; if you had, he would have established your kingdom over Israel for all time. 14 But now your kingdom will not endure; the Lord has sought out a man after his own heart and appointed him ruler of his people, because you have not kept the Lord’s command.”
15 Then Samuel left Gilgal and went up to Gibeah in Benjamin, and Saul counted the men who were with him. They numbered about six hundred.
15 Then Samuel left Gilgal and went up to Gibeah in Benjamin, and Saul counted the men who were with him. They numbered about six hundred.
各位,燃點獨立,只是另一個開始,就如保羅提醒:「13 弟兄們,我不是以為自己已經得著了;我只有一件事,就是忘記背後,努力面前的,14 向著標竿直跑,要得神在基督耶穌裏從上面召我來得的獎賞。」(腓立比書三13-14) 讓我們持守初心,繼續向新的階段邁進。
Posted in CGCEp14